Saturday, October 29, 2005

My name is Mr. Bubble and you can watch me Pop!

Funny thing happened to me last year, I had a moment of sheer idiocy, I would say genius but I know myself too well.

We were working on a common Bubble Screen with trips wide. See Diagram 1. ( What it was suppose to be and what it became)When our TE forgot to go loose and stayed tight and ran the Bubble on an outside release. Our WR and Slot were running their assigned routes . Bingo he was free. I ask them to do it again and again he was free. We let the Defense know what we were doing and added a Skinny Post by our backside WO. They went into man with a Free Man the FS. WE ran it out a play action 30 stretch to the 6 and gave the TE a choice on the Bubble to a Wheel if he was covered he wheeled. Every time we ran it we TDed the Defense either by the TE or the Skinny. See Diagram 2. Top of Article When they slapped Cover 2 we made an easy 5 or more on the short pass or the QB rolling and running.

Diagram 3
We then fine tuned this, and this what we came out with. Again from the Gun or QB up it will work. See Diagram 3.

What it does is it makes free -man Cover 1 a choice for the FS-he looks at the motion and the play action stretch and reads Low Hat. He then picks the Skinny coming and the Motion Z breaking inside. What does he Play? The CB is busy with the Hitch and the TE simply slips into the Flat, ifsomeone'ss there, say the SS he slides into the wheel. The SS is working to read his Flat and picking up the QB coming on the roll. Yes here is the question on that 44 or 43 Defense, the SS is Man, well yes but what about the Stretch? And then the Roll? He will lay in the Flat Coaches and end up supporting the CB on the Suicide Hitch, if not the Corner will over compensate and be soft; so the hitch can be free because he will worry about that wheel going up and that sharp slant gutting the seam as the SS runs his hiney to the TE to cover. Read for the QB is TE-X-F-or run for 5. I had a QB this year who could hit that gut seam on the run, if your boy can do this you can play this all day long. Like Mr Bubble said "and you can hear me Pop" for 5 or for the big 6- 1st down convert and then over the top.

Thanks for your time.


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