Thursday, August 25, 2005

Who´s right?

White Hats.... Deep inside, hidden away behind those Zebra stripes are human beings, really....
Yellow is a color that turns my stomach. Drives die when the yellow flys, its a holding or blocking in the back, as I watch the ball soar out of my QBs hand and see the route develope and the DB getting smoked. I always look at the grass around my QB...God let it be green.
Last game my Right Guard taped his ripped shoe with yellow tape, don´t ask me why but I lost 20 pounds, because of that yellow tape. Every turn around I would see it. This week he is getting white tape ( Not because I don´t like yellow tape, some of my best friends have yellow tape). We still lost a game we could have won...but the cards were not right for my O. Two passes taken away from us in the End Zone, one a push out. NCAA rules state if a reception is made in the ENDZONE without both feet on the ground and receiver is pushed out of the ZONE with that purpose by DB it is a TD. The second a break in the plain of the Endzone and then a fumble, still a TD. These two pushes would have carried the day, and stop me from drinking 3 or 4 beers after the game and keeping this damn weight that won´t leave my body.

Weight gain, Gods way of saying ..."its easier for me to kill you off if you get fat"... I say Dear Lord, "why not lightning?", gonna be cremated anyway.

Speaking of Death and football, I recently decided to try and find a job in Kuwait, hey everyone was telling me "you can make 100 K there in a year". So I applied to KBR Brown and Root, ala Haliburton the Vice Pres old company, which seems to be getting all kinds of work...Conflict of Interest? nah! not the Dick he is honest and he say´s "f**k Off" a favorite phrase of mine. Well after my application went in they sent me a survey. This survey asked specific questions like Iraq is part of the Kuwait thing and if ask to go to Iraq I must or get fired, and if its OK with me. The other was living in a tent city ... like "Mash", except no women, Doctors or Alan Alda. I would forgo showers, or there would only be cold water ...hey 100k I can live with it. They asked about hostile fire...this is RPGS and AK 47s and your typical Jihadist big ass knife which gives you a too close shave. They also mentioned, Rats and Mice and Spiders in the compound and left the best for last. SNAKES! (COBRAS) if I had a problem with that...Yeah ,I got a problem with Cobras!They kill you and are territorial and live where you go to the bathroom and they eat rats, so rats equals Cobras. Yikes!!!!! Needless to say this old Coach can handle almost everything except Snakes, I can live with them around, hell I am from Texas. But I draw the line at Cobras. Jeepers Cobras...this is lost world stuff!

This long ramble brings me back to White Hats... yellow flags, zebra stripes and cobras...makes me want to hide forever.

Next article will be about football tactics promise

Hit them hard so they won´t hit you!
Coach Roldan


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