Sunday, August 28, 2005

SNAP Technology

SNAP Technology”
IN the 5 yard line.

Or How to get a TD without a Fullback that weighs 2 tons? "You put it in the air!"

Firstly let me say that it is an honor to share my brain with you…hopefully you are not a Zombie and will not consume it, no matter the size.

All OC´s are always looking for that elusive TD deep in the Red Zone, it is a physical fact that as we move through this area the play capabilities shrink. Hey size does matter here! I will not go into the aspects of the 20-yard line on down but will only concentrate on the last 5 yards. I believe in the Big Bang theory and the collapsing universe that follows.

The 5-yard area is the toughest; teams usually give you a Goal line or a 5-man front with the LB´s tight and the Blitz. Now the A typical thing to do is spread and attack the weakest link, hey no problem, but if you lack the power why not create it. Thus I come up with the BIG BANG. I collapse my offense and condense the Defense. (See diagram bottom right)

As this Defense collapse on the outside fringes you have a Corner -Safety or OLB combo reading in if they are foolish enough to place a DE there the better.
1 the OL goes foot to foot on their splits
2.use your two fastest receivers and play them like TE´s
3.Have your FB in the 3 point stance and your two Half backs in 2 point stance.
(You want then to look at the Defense)
What this accomplishes is the keys, which the ILB has to read, and the Outside defenders, which you are forcing them to play off the 2 backs. Basically, you have frozen them and they must stay true to the wedge dive by the FB.
Then we explode out! With speed and quickness the Big Bang happens.
Now comes the Big bang, which has 3 Variables.
Variable 1
(See variable diagram 1 and 2 -diagram on upper left)
Your Two TE´s Snap outside or inside, right or left or what ever you call these sides.
Your OL scramble blocks or cuts all the inside defenders, I have never been called on a illegal man downfield in the area and the 1 yard rule really does not apply.
Your QB fakes an attacking sweep to the Right or Left and rolls that way on a boot action with the ball hidden.
The FB blocks with the QB stopping the outside rush.

The TE´s must always release in and out, if the roll is toward them they give an inside release, if they are backside they give an outside release. What this accomplishes is that the LB´s think run and like all good LB they close like wolves, the second is it momentarily leaves the DB blind and the speedy receiver drops behind him. These two receivers will be open and the LOOK for the QB is inside to out. Yes, why? The ILB are biting the sweep action and the safety is moving with the QB and the Backside TE is behind him, because of his outside release the Corner is staying on the read to play action.

The SECOND Variable
The Full- House Sweep Pass with FB dive
You see it here Coaches, we simply flood an area with three receivers and bring the backside TE inside.

The ILB stay on the dive the safety steps up for support the backside Receiver clears him and we lay three receivers on the right side. The TE on the playside always clears the Corner and is free. Why the Defenders are being stretched and held by the RB´s.
Now teams get smart and don’t play the dive, hey you give it to them and you score with a mighty mouse FB, or QB sneak with him as the lead block.

The Third Variable;
(See variable diagram upper right)

Full-House Batman Pass

We use this when they think they get smart and place the Corners where the ball is and Blitz from the outside.
The QB fakes to the FB he is looking at the swing all the way, the Swing back must read for pass at the 3rd step, if he does not the QB is going to be killed, if the coverage is their the Qb rolls the fake to the same side and looks for the Snap from the TE, who has to throttle his speed and then expect the ball, the Corner the DC has placed their gets caught in No-mans land
Shall I cover the Swing or the Snap? The OLB is coming hard so the pass has to be on the HOOF (run).

With These THREE PASS PLAYS VARIABLES, we add FB DIVE the HB SWEEP and QB SNEAK. With three backs attacking to the run side and a TE SNAP backside just in case the QB reads the TE open on the hand off(make the hand -off QB with the mesh that makes you look backside) where he can roll and throw the ball. (THIS PLAY IS THE QB`S OPTION)

WE also run the WIDE SET with two TE´s split we run this in the middle of the field 99% of the time just to give a different look and hit the short pass or a run.

As for success we had 89% scoring rate on this Offense set ,to the point where we use it for our 2pt conversion almost 99% of the time.

I will soon submit a Collapsing Offense Motion game when I have just a bit more time.

I hope this is helpful and I ask for all submissions from coaches. Why not share the knowledge in this great game.
Please no Zombies...

Thank you
Roldan Leyba

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Who´s right?

White Hats.... Deep inside, hidden away behind those Zebra stripes are human beings, really....
Yellow is a color that turns my stomach. Drives die when the yellow flys, its a holding or blocking in the back, as I watch the ball soar out of my QBs hand and see the route develope and the DB getting smoked. I always look at the grass around my QB...God let it be green.
Last game my Right Guard taped his ripped shoe with yellow tape, don´t ask me why but I lost 20 pounds, because of that yellow tape. Every turn around I would see it. This week he is getting white tape ( Not because I don´t like yellow tape, some of my best friends have yellow tape). We still lost a game we could have won...but the cards were not right for my O. Two passes taken away from us in the End Zone, one a push out. NCAA rules state if a reception is made in the ENDZONE without both feet on the ground and receiver is pushed out of the ZONE with that purpose by DB it is a TD. The second a break in the plain of the Endzone and then a fumble, still a TD. These two pushes would have carried the day, and stop me from drinking 3 or 4 beers after the game and keeping this damn weight that won´t leave my body.

Weight gain, Gods way of saying ..."its easier for me to kill you off if you get fat"... I say Dear Lord, "why not lightning?", gonna be cremated anyway.

Speaking of Death and football, I recently decided to try and find a job in Kuwait, hey everyone was telling me "you can make 100 K there in a year". So I applied to KBR Brown and Root, ala Haliburton the Vice Pres old company, which seems to be getting all kinds of work...Conflict of Interest? nah! not the Dick he is honest and he say´s "f**k Off" a favorite phrase of mine. Well after my application went in they sent me a survey. This survey asked specific questions like Iraq is part of the Kuwait thing and if ask to go to Iraq I must or get fired, and if its OK with me. The other was living in a tent city ... like "Mash", except no women, Doctors or Alan Alda. I would forgo showers, or there would only be cold water ...hey 100k I can live with it. They asked about hostile fire...this is RPGS and AK 47s and your typical Jihadist big ass knife which gives you a too close shave. They also mentioned, Rats and Mice and Spiders in the compound and left the best for last. SNAKES! (COBRAS) if I had a problem with that...Yeah ,I got a problem with Cobras!They kill you and are territorial and live where you go to the bathroom and they eat rats, so rats equals Cobras. Yikes!!!!! Needless to say this old Coach can handle almost everything except Snakes, I can live with them around, hell I am from Texas. But I draw the line at Cobras. Jeepers Cobras...this is lost world stuff!

This long ramble brings me back to White Hats... yellow flags, zebra stripes and cobras...makes me want to hide forever.

Next article will be about football tactics promise

Hit them hard so they won´t hit you!
Coach Roldan

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Wife said, what do you find so interesting on those Damn Football web sites?

Just learning baby, She looked at me and said" I am going shopping! "

Let me introduce myself. My name is Roldan Leyba and I am, well at this moment the Offensive Coordinator for a 2nd Liga German Football club called the Hanau Hornets. This means its a liga below the Erste Liga which is the first Division, its like ...Not dating myself the old AFL pre-1969 New York Jets with out Coach Weeb, Willy-Joe, Sauer, Manard and Snell or any other Jet as a matter of fact. These two Divisions or Ligas as they are called here in the land , of you should know better you Auslander(means from another country) Germany. Are all part of this... The GFL pronounced...Are you ready for this, man its not easy,not that I have anything against these people! The GAY(the German way to say G) -F -L or The German Football league . Well welcome to my world!(Me getting the Parcell water treatment which makes sure ones underwear does not stick after a hot game)

Right know I am trying to make heads or tails of a season that started like a dream, 3 and 0 Pre-season. ( Now 3-9 regular season, thank God I am not the HC) Sugar Plum Dreams Coaches, you know what I am talking about. That elusive ring and those dreams of kick-ass first quarters that you can ride till the fourth without a headache and the need for a few adult beverages after the game.

Beer is my choice, I think its in the Bible where Abraham after a hard day of doing what Abraham did, coming home and sitting in his tent turning on the sports news and berating the Coach from his favorite losing team the Canaan Putzes came up with the idea of Beer and Football. " I need more than sheeps milk" he said and The God of Abe handed him a Bud and told him"Hey Abe I need that back theirs a return on it OK!"

Why do we coaches spend so much of our free time on the web? Simple , we don´t want to be left behind in the game and we need affirmationn to our small egos. Especially after 3 straight losses. Its like a holy book to me...Well not really, I like to see how I can make my Offense go by stealing, borrowing or pleading for that different look that special play, and that's what this Blog site is about.

Soon I will dispense my knowledge and it will be as clear as the bottom of an empty Miller Bottle, the truth is I drink German Beer, local brew called Pfungstadt or foomstat to us Americans. Its swell,especiallyy when you have 5 or 6 wake up in the morning and your liver and head do not ache, German beer is clean and their is a law called rheinheitsgebot which says it must be and we all know how Germans follow orders! Yeah I know 60 years blah blah, hey I live here! Also I am not up for a membership for AA so save the preaching guys, I am 51 and old enough to know.

Back to Football... I will place articles and I wish articles and wit andgeniuss so as I can place them here. All I ask is that they are about football or related to guy stuff, politics are OK but I am a left leaning radical child of the 60´s and you may not like my view point, but what I can do with a counter package is another thing or turn you on to smashing in Passing game. Yeah I know," Hey! Lombardi at 3-9 what do we have to learn from you?" Well after this year, how to lose with dignity or as I call it "run the other way when the press is walking around!""I can be helpful, please can I hang out with you?"

So Guys and Pals. Still a bit of a pig with Woman and the Game, my wife hates it and still does not come to many games and when she does we lose, so she is not really wanted by. Hell Lets face it she is a JINX! Their is a curse on this woman..Sorry, I love her but, ah forget it. Coaches send me your stuff, and I dont want buy stuff either...savay?

So lookin forward to this, also my German Buddies your welcome too and in German if you wish it... ok by me, I have a translator.

Winning comes with work, losing makes me feel sad all over.
Coach Roldan