Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hey you better watch my BACKSIDE!

Today I want to talk about my use of a BACKSIDE RECEIVER and how he can be the weapon, the go to guy and the thorn in the side of the DC and Free Safety. But, before I do that let me outline how we use him and how you can adapt it to your Offense.
I only deal in two coverage’s, with my X receiver, and those are cover 1 or 2.Let me explain:
In cover 1. We know that he is playing man on man; the rule of thumb here is how can he beat him?
In cover 2. We know that its zone, where can we find the seam and catch the ball.

“Before you start”, I know what about double coverage or an OLB underneath the corner on top and the Safety looking for the pick. Or Zero Technique, Cloud, Rain or what ever” my Grand Ma is watching him”…blah. Blah. Blah… coaches if they double cover, then somebody else is free, use you’re receiving RB throw and flood the other side! Bait the middle and open up the sideline seam … there is a million things to do! Your X is still a weapon, he is consuming 2 or 3 / 7ths of the Pass Defense, usually their best men. I recently saw the Oakland Raiders Vs the Patriots at home (Sept-6-2005) the Pats did this to Randy Moss who did catch a TD and a beauty at that, but the Raiders keep going to him all night long, hey I know its RANDY! (And he will catch something, the rule is you got to give somewhere on the Defense but give them what you want not what they take.) But, Portis was clean and free as was the TE, the adjust was simple if they throw to Randy, the other guys make sure at least someone is on them or near, because they are going to be 2nd and 3rd Option on the pass. Why not reverse it, or better yet make them give it up?

Now we know how to reverse it… let me explain how we make them give it up.
These are the ways:
But first set the Defense up.
Run, pass or screen on the same look of the roll, the play action or flood to the strong side, you can run trips or fill it with motion to that side or any number of things. Do this a few times and be patient. Two things will happen.

  • The Defense will adjust; they have to, especially if you are successful on the 3rd down conversion. How? A number of ways, change the coverage, lock down the OLB to the QB read, mix the coverage and play real hard bump outside in Technique by the DE.

  • They will still double up the backside which means someone is still free and you can play this all game long and the backside flat and curl zone are free as well as reverses and RB screens. The defense has to give you something, use it!

  • Roll your Qb to opposite side of the X, do this on play action or if your Qb can run a 3 step outside roll attack or waggle it, this is great if you option.

  • Then give this route to your X. (see diagram)

We run and train our backside receivers to think for themselves 90% of the time, we teach them their options on the Bump, Man, Zone and what the Defense is doing to them. We give them rules which to follow and they work these out with the QB´s and then we play the Game.
This route and these simple rules apply.

Vs Man:
  1. If he plays you at the Bump, if he is inside fade, if he is outside Slant. If this disrupts our game plan we simply stack him behind and run these two options or rub the first receiver on the bump and get him free with a RB swing to that side. (GREAT IN THE MYERS SHOTGUN)

  1. If he plays you real soft comeback or slap him across the face, the 10/12 and in or 6/8 and in

  2. Beat him where he isn’t, how? Test his speed and how he covers the Post and Corner.

  3. Slide slowly to the Qb after your route is finished and the ball is not in the air.

  1. Find the seam between the defenders and sit in it and throw a hand when free. (Throw a hand is raising the arm up to “tell the QB” “hey I am here,” Coach Jack Pardee used this to great strides in the 70´s with his run and shoot and it still applies today)

  2. Read the Safety first and adjust to him, remember the Corner has to get there and then react.

  3. Tell us, “Gee communicate” so we can send and bait the Defenders to bite down the other receiver.

These rules are simple, and with practice they become second nature, also the VARIABLE EFFECT---“my baby” excuse me… comes into play. If you see the route diagram a DC or smart player can’t figure out what he is going to do, so even if you play us in game the ability of change is to great for you to second guess. So you spend your Defensive Capital, i.e. Players defending this one man; this happened to us all season long so our other receivers picked up the slack and loved it.

I know this is long winded but its my Blog so Nah! Plus because of my Toilet seat article, they are selling toilet seats on my site!

Thank you for your time

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bankruptcy and Toilet seats

Well I would be putting football stuff down, but I have something else on my mind, and if you know me I can only have one thought on my mind at a time, the thought of food is trying to get in right now but my other thought has the door blocked.

Ok, I just got home a week ago from my Summer vacation which I took in September... The States were great till Katrina messed things up completely. I pray for you.

I won´t mention the name of the Air Carrier I was on but will leave a hint it starts with US and ends with Airways. Ha!Try and figure that out. Firstly they don´t take animals so my Little One( Norma see encosed picture, and why she is angry) had to stay home ,the other is that they have put in bigger seats , except flying back to Germany and I had the small seat or I got fatter. Huh! never thought about that? Anyway, I went to the bathroom on the plane going to SF from Philly, had a pizza slice there,in Philly smart guy. (I lived in NYC 15 years and all I miss is the Pizza and the Fall in Central Park, otherwise forget the Big Apple)I know its not NYC Pizza but Philly is only 1Hour.45 mins away, close enough in the Space/Time continueum for me.So about mid-flight in my 15 hour travel to California , I have to go to the Bathroom...I wobble down to the Powder Room during turbulance and try to read if the toilet is occupied, if its green its a go, if its red I must suffer. I finally make it in the toilet and I look down to have a sit and ..."THEIR IS ONLY A HALF A TOILET SEAT!" Now you have to picture this, we are at 28.000 feet the plane is going up and down, my pants are down around my knees, mother nature is calling like , "well more like yelling!" and their is only a half a toilet seat! So I say to myself, "G** D***it" and I sit balanced on one side the plane is going jiggy Joggy and I am praying that something does´nt happen. The Light is blinking for me to go back to my seat and I am stuck. Well needless to say all is OK and I go back to my seat. That´s when the trouble about Bankrupt Airlines comes into play.I get that one thought in my head and its this, "gee! if they are saving money on half a toilet seat maybe they are saving money on the "Bloody engines that are keeping us up air!" I picture two highly trained Jetguys looking at a engine and one say´s, "well maybe we can only go with half the part." The other nods his head, because they have taken his pension plan and he is seriously thinking off opening a Subway sandwich shop...instead of working for the airlines what care does he have.

This nightmare is all due , I believe to them charging for Beer at 5 euros coming over the pond to 3 Bucks Domestic.If they gave me the stuff free or say a Buck,(1 dollar) I would not care about "the half a toilet seat" which I had to angle my A** at an angle I was taught in High School Geometry, (Which I got a D in)... I wouldn´t care if the a Germlin was tearing the engine off Ala Twi-light Zone the (TV Captain Kirk and the Movie with the other guy)I got a frosty in my hand, the Zen aspect of life and death makes sense , and so does the intelligence of Pam Anderson.

I say this to the airlines, "give us our liquor cheap", "give us bigger seats", give us "Singapore girls" forget the food it sucks anway and we will fly more! You will not need to be bankrupt and who gives a damn! about the toilet seat. Which brings this question to you arm chair Socrates. If a toilet seat is cracked in half, do you still get in trouble by your Wife if you leave it up?

Sunday, September 11, 2005


I have been on a vacation, I also have been thinking. Which can be dangerous. Firstly let me say that the disaster that has befallen the Gulf Coast is horrible and my thoughts and prayers are with those souls.

Flying is good for only two things, one: getting you there, the other is work. The easy sound of jet engines helps when I am putting an offense together, or maybe because I am going somewhere that is safe from the arm chair QB´s wrath. Have to think on that.

This year I am going to expand the running game and with that said, I will also expand the DRAW/SCREEN Variable.
I use the word VARIABLE because according to Webster:
Pronunciation: 'ver-E-&-b&l,
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin variables, from variare to vary
1 a: able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes b : FICKLE, INCONSTANT
2 : characterized by variations
3 : having the characteristics of a variable
4 : not true to type : ABERRANT -- used of a biological group or character

Wow! heady stuff... easy, the play dynamic changes and the DC cannot figure out what the hell your doing? REMEMBER run these Variables with no-huddle 2 at a time.Thus not allowing the DEE time to adjust or really think.
WHAT we are really attempting or doing is getting 5 yards or maybe the big break for 20 yards and using the DRAW/SCREEN Variable to get the LB´s reading Pass first (thus killing the blitz) then Run and the CB´s playing up tighter so we can then go over the top. Either way the running game opens or the big play pops!

The first ILLUSTRATION, you will see is the double tight formation with motion to the F reciever side, we can run this out of the straight ACE set (one back) with the QB up or the Shotgun with the HB sitting opposite of the F Receiver.

The Variables are these:


Double tight F wide (R/L)

1. BGap/32 Draw/Keeper
Motion Z to F

The O-Line Attacks with a Fence Passing Block (strikes and set and go with the Defender where he wishes to go)
The QB meshes with the HB who with shoulders square reads the b-gap 3 hole or the 2 hole, we like AREAS better, but these holes make it easier for the READER to comprehend. The QB hands the ball off and rolls away with a play action fake hand on uphill hip.
The Keeper VARIABLE is if you have a running QB he simply goes to the opposite side if he reads it clear on the MESH, this is when the DE goes wide in a boxing move and creates a natural running lane.

The QB drops back at a 90 degree looking straight up field. The OL does the same block, the HB sits and reads the Defense as in Protection and then waits for the QB to drop the ball to MESH with square shoulders he reads 2/3 hole and goes.

General Rules:
1.All receivers run their same routes (except the F) that runs a fade in the Y bubble screen. This sets up the 2 screens, which will be played.
2.O-LINE always uses the same block
3. Motion the Z
4. Down field eyes with QB
5. Keep HB always in backfield when throwing screens (LB´s are reading him)

2. F slip inside screen.

A: Shotgun Mesh is easy and quick same as above

B: The ACE set is a stretch to the 3/5 or 2/6 with the HB who then waggle protects.

The Motion of the Z takes the SMASH route (attacking the Defender 3 to 5 steps post/corner move) this clears the seam (in zone and man) and makes the FS bite down. The X (flood side TE) snaps out to 10 yards clearing the ILB/SS who plays the flat in Zone or Follows on Man, if they rotate into flat it has to be at 8 to 12 yards because the crossing pattern. The play action to the HB freezes all mid-line LB´s and he works as a waggle to protect the QB. The Backside TE (the Y) runs a drag at 5 to 8 keeping the ILB honest and the FS freaking-out because of the SMASH route...if in cover 2 or the clock rotation of the coverage to the motion works the same principle. The F slips down 2 steps and turns to the seam and the QB throws it. (Important downfield eyes on the QB till 3/4 step when he opens and throws to the F)

3. Y Bubble
Again all the same rules and play action apply as above, EXCEPT the Y (TE) steps back and wheels to the outside,also the F runs the fade and the HB fakes hard inside and quicksteps to waggle protection as QB then rolls the Qb reads down field turns and finds the Y who has bubbled in on the route. (You can also add the pump and hit the Y on a sideline fly)

The use of this 3 play Variable in two formations can cause DC´s to fall to their knees and say "MOMMA WHY???"
Or you lose the game! "Yikes"... let me hear those sweet jets.

Coaches please send comments or flowers.
This can also work on the inside zone for run, but I like to keep looking the same to confuse the DL and LB´s

Danke Baby
Coach Roldan